12 Things to Learn from Trending Underconsumption Core TikTok & Reels

Underconsumption core has been trending on TikTok and Instagram lately! Basically Underconsumption Core is the idea of valuing what you have and using it year after year in an effort to buy less.

This concept is great for saving money, being a more mindful consumer, reducing waste, and being conscious of your overall impact on the environment.

While it might be trendy now, conscious consumers & sustainability advocates have been practicing this for years.

I think the idea of consuming less is great and should be more normalized.

These are some underconsumption core TikToks and Reels to inspire you to consumer less often & consciously.

12 Best Underconsumption Tiktok’s & Reels & Lessons to Learn

See what other people are valuing in their Underconsumption Core social media posts and what we can learn! Plus, learn some easy ways you can practice underconsumption.

Underconsumption is Normal

karishmaclimategirl takes a creative approach with her underconsumption rainy day video. This features eco-friendly tips on laundry, packing snacks to go, thrifted umbrellas, public transportation, and more.


sabrina.sustainable.life has a series about underconsumption through this she reminds us that this is normal living, but that sometimes social media encourages overconsumption.

In this particular video she shares her reusable water bottle, mix matches drinking glasses, rags instead of paper towels, and other sustainable well loved items around her living space.

Underconsumption can save Money

The TikTok account Lifewithoutloans reminds us to save our money on Prime day by highlighting items she’s had for years such as hand-me-down clothes, their ten year old car, the one purse she uses, and more!

Underconsumption is a GOOD Trend

While I’m usually not a fan of trends….I love to see more people advocating for sustainability, so I decided to participate by coming back to social media. I made my own take on this underconsumption social media trend on my TikTok and Instagram accounts!

I showed a few different ways I practice underconsumption including my one pair of vintage glasses that I’ve had for six years and put new lens in instead of buying new.

Upcycling & Reusing is Cool

This Instagram account Ecoexploringelise shares her sustainable perspective as someone who has practiced permaculture for 40 years.

Her video features upcycled items in her garden, using old blankets, reusing jars, and other eco-conscious items around her living space.

Showing Sustainability in the Classroom

The Instagram account Researchandplay takes a creative approach with her classroom showing how teachers can be sustainable.

This video shows how the teacher reuses yard sale baskets, repurposes empty spice jars, uses student art as wall decor, reuses pasta sauce jars as pencil holders, and other creative ideas.

Consume Food Instead of Stuff

I totally relate to natrosejournal when she shares that she enjoys spending her money on food rather than stuff. She highlights her 2014 car, make up bag with only a few makeup products, well loved shoes, and more.

Consume less by making some of your own things

Rosshomestead reminds viewers on TikTok that underconsumption should be the norm. Their video highlights wearing thrifted clothes, making their own stuff, growing and making food, and other eco-conscious items around their living space.

I really relate to their point on wearing shoes until they fall apart and wearing out of style clothes. I totally do this too!

Be Frugal & Proud

alicechea celebrates being frugal & proud by sharing how she only buys lip gloss when she runs out, uses a four year old fanny pack, makes accessories by hand, reuses plastic water bottles, uses bar soap instead of body wash, uses a library card, and more.

Create Instead of Consume

Livingplanetfriendly on Instagram shares how she enjoys creating over consuming, has secondhand coffee accessories, uses plants has decor, and other sustainable tips.

Secondhand First

Worthnotwaste shares how she tries to get everything secondhand, reuses takeout containers, uses her mom’s kitchen plates, and other eco-friendly tips.

Underconsumption is a worthy trend

Fionannguyen_ highlights how the underconsumption trend is one worth getting behind.

This video highlights how she has had the same car for ten years, owns one pair of designer sunglasses, hair oil that’s lasted two years, and other beauty products she’s had for a while.

Hopefully these underconsumption core highlights easy ways you can practice sustainability in your life.



Emily Waddell founder of the honest consumer

Emily Waddell is the founder of The Honest Consumer. She has always been passionate about business for good and has a Bachelor degree in Social Entrepreneurship. She currently lives in Seattle where she practices imperfect sustainability. When she’s not writing, Emily enjoys supporting small businesses, clean eating, ethical fashion, and practicing slow living.

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