Cheap Isn't Cool, Caring Is

Today someone told me, "ya, this shirt was only $5" as if it was an accomplishment. I cringed. It pains me to hear this.

And while biting my tongue I respond, "What a deal." I don't believe in shaming people who support fast fashion because we all have at some point.

Joining the fashion revolution and supporting ethical brands is a process of education and letting people know what's behind the price.

sustainable consumer

There are so many aspects to consider when making a purchase that go beyond the price: treatment of those who made the item, environmental impact, how well the item is made, and ethics of the brand. 

If the price is dirt cheap it typically means.... It's cheaply made and will fall apart soon. AND the people who made it were cheaply paid and probably not treated fairly. 

Ethical Shopping is In

Given recent trends such as minimalism, slow fashion, and an emphasis on shopping local, we're seeing that cheap isn't cool anymore.

People want more than just a low price. People want quality. People want to support brands that are doing good. People want transparent supply chains. People want more than just an item...they want a story and a connection. And that IS cool. Caring is cool!

According to CauseGood, 52% of shoppers worldwide check product labels before buying to ensure the brand is committed to positive social and environmental impact. More than half of consumers are conscious, woohoo! 

handcrafted jewelry being made for conscious consumers

What does it mean to be a conscious consumer?

As a consumer, YOU have the super power to determine what your dollar goes towards. Show that caring is cool by supporting businesses that are socially responsible, give back, have strong ethics, and positively impact the environment.

Try to educate your friends and show them how cool it is to be a conscious consumer too! 

For more tips & tricks on conscious consumerism & ethical fashion be sure to follow The Honest Consumer on social media.