Posts in Social Enterprise
My Experience Visiting Deux-Mains Designs Upcycled Shoes & Accessories

As many of you know I am in Haiti through my university's study abroad program. Today we visited the social enterprise of REBUILD Globally, Deux Mains Designs. The work done by Deux Mains Designs is incredible! Deux Mains Design creates shoes and accessories using locally sourced leather and recycled tires. 

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10 Social Impact Brands Focusing on Products Made in Haiti

If you’ve been following along for a while you probably remember that I did a study abroad trip to Haiti a couple years ago. It was a great opportunity because we didn’t go to build houses for anyone, save anyone, or teach anyone…we went to learn as students. We visited social enterprises, learned about Haitian culture, the economy, the health care system, and all. It was truly a life changing experience. These people have the kindest souls and are incredibly hard workers.

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Enersa: The Social Enterprise Bringing Light to Haiti

In Haiti I had the pleasure of meeting Alex Georges, co-founder of Enersa. Enersa manufactures solar powered street lights while empowering Haitians through employment. With the limited amount of power and electricity in Haiti, Georges wanted to bring solar power to the Haitian community. Initially Enersa started out as solar powered lamps, but after the limited demand Enersa switched directions. Enersa started manufacturing street lights. The street lights were a huge hit. Kids began reading and studying under the street lights. Georges witnessed the social impact of his company first hand.

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