Where to Order Sustainable Holiday Cards?

Planning to send out a holiday card this season? I encourage you to check out these eco-friendly stationery brands with sustainable holiday cards for this festive time of the year. Jake & I recently used Paper Culture for our holiday cards and were SO pleased.

I have used stationery from all four of these brands and have been so pleased with the quality of cards. These eco-friendly stationery brands are sure to be a great start when searching for holiday cards.

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What to Look for in Eco-friendly Holiday Cards

When looking for eco-friendly Christmas cards or holiday cards, there are a few things to consider.

Recycled Paper

Holiday cards made from recycled paper are usually pretty easy to find. By using materials made from post consumer waste, this reduces the amount of new trees needing to be cut down.

recycled paper christmas card

Seed Paper

Seed paper is also a great option because it can be planted! This is great for the environment and the recipient of the card. It creates a unique experience!

Off-setting & Sustainable Practices

Does the stationery brand do anything to offset their carbon footprint? Some common examples are joining 1% for the Planet, operating company buildings on solar energy, etc.

6 Sustainable Holiday Card Stationery Brands

If you’re ready to find some stunning holiday cards made from eco-friendly materials, this list is for you!

Paper Culture: Plant a Tree with Each Order

Paper Culture’s holiday cards are great for showing off your family’s photo. This eco-conscious stationery brand matches modern design with sustainability.


Paper Culture’s cards are made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper which means no trees are cut down in the process. AND each order plants a tree.

Through Paper Culture’s partnerships with organizations such as the Arbor Day Foundation, Trees for the Future, & others, they are able to identify where trees will be most impactful.

We’ve been using Paper Culture for a few years and are always pleased!


UpRoot Design Studio’s Vibrant Holiday Cards

UpRoot Design Studio has a variety of brightly colored hand-drawn holiday cards!

UpRoot Design Studio is an independent small business owned by artist Julia Barry. This small business prioritizes eco-friendly materials & fair trade practices. UpRoot Design Studio’s stationery features recycled and FSC Certified materials.


Plus, UpRoot Design Studio plants a tree for every order and gives back 10% of profits to local farms, wildlife, & environmental justice orgs. Use the discount code HONESTCONSUMER for 10% off.

Greenvelope: Save the Paper & Send E-cards

Greenvelope encourages consumers to save paper and send e-mail cards & invitations. Their beautiful e-mail stationery templates feature elegant designs from independent artists.


By sending e-mail cards you’re making the eco-friendly choice to save trees by going paper free. Their holiday e-card designs feature Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, & more.

ForeverFiances: Seed Paper Stationery

ForeverFiances focuses on chic stationery through their emphasis on sustainability, affordability, and design.

ForeverFiances carries plantable cards made from seed paper and cards made from 100% recycled paper.

sustainable holiday cards 2023

ForeverFiances is also part of 1% For The Planet giving 1% of revenues to non-profits supporting environmental causes.

Botanical PaperWorks: Plantable Holiday Cards

seed paper holiday cards

Botanical Paperworks crafts stationery on their innovative eco-friendly seed paper.

Botanical PaperWorks is working to reduce waste and spread beauty through their biodegradable seed paper made from post-consumer material.

plantable holiday cards

After planted and cared for, your sustainable holiday card invite will grow into wildflowers or herbs.

Quilling Cards: Unique Cards That Are Art


These unique Quilling cards double as a beautiful piece of art and are lovingly-made by talented women artisans in Vietnam.


Quilling is the art of rolling, shaping, and gluing paper strips to create a unified, decorative design.

For more ideas on ethical & sustainable holiday gifting check out our Ethical & Sustainable Holiday Gift Guide & be sure to follow along on social media.