Being a conscious consumer is being aware of what you’re buying and shopping based on your values. Each purchase reflects your consumer values and creates demand within the industry. For those who may have the luxury of spending, there comes a great responsibility of using purchase power wisely and demanding quality products for the greater good.
Read MoreQuite often I see ethical fashion bloggers post wardrobes like the one pictured. A perfectly curated clothing rack of ten or so items at first it made my feel like I was doing this conscious consumerism thing wrong, but now after years in the ethical fashion scene it makes me laugh. I’ve accepted that will never be my wardrobe and that’s okay.
Read MorePlanning to send out a holiday card this season? I encourage you to check out these eco-friendly stationery brands with sustainable holiday cards during this time of the year. Jake & I recently used Paper Culture for our holiday cards and were SO pleased. I have used stationery from all four of these brands and have been so pleased with the quality of cards.
Read MoreI think part of consumerism that is often overlooked around the holidays is the act of giving meaningful gifts. Often times we see people buying to buy, such as black Friday where we see consumers buying just for the sales, not for items they need. Buying a crazy amount of gifts just because, not items people actually want or will use. This mass impulse buying prevents consumers from stopping to think stop and reflect on what they are buying. Here are a few ways to focus on giving meaningful gifts this year.
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