28 Gifts for People with Anxiety to Remind Them They're Not Alone

Whether it's for the holiday season or just because, meaningful gifts can be a thoughtful reminder to your friend or loved one struggling with anxiety that they are not alone.

When picking out a gift for someone with anxiety, it's important to consider what will help them relax and feel comfortable.

There are certain calming activities people might find soothing when having those anxious feelings such as coloring, yoga, meditation, or laying under a calming blanket.

Here are some gift ideas, mostly from small businesses, that would make a good gift for any anxious friend! I've had personal experience with anxiety and have included some of my favorite products in this list of the best gifts!

This guide features affordable gifts in the $5-$30 price range as well as higher end ideas too!

This post does contain some affiliate links which means The Honest Consumer will receive a commission if you decide to purchase, however, at no additional cost to you!

Relaxing Candles with Soothing Scents

When picking out a scented candle for relaxation, make sure to avoid any scents that might be too strong or overwhelming. Lavender and chamomile are both great options that can help promote relaxation. These are a few of my personal favorite for relaxing after a stressful day.

Serene Candle $28

This Serene Candle is made from coconut wax and features a number of different essential oils that help promote relaxation.


Those essential oils include lavender, chamomile, rosemary, & sage.

Lavender Sage Candle $27

This Lavender coconut wax candle is  known for its calming and balancing properties with a clean and pure aroma.


This candle is MADE SAFE® certified which means it is free of any and all toxins known or suspected to harm human health, animals, or ecosystems! So you can relax and burn this candle with confidence.

If your friend is more of a DIY person they might find it therapeutic to make candles. There are some great DIY candle making kits at Siblings.

Give the Gift of Therapy Sessions

In my own journey I’ve found therapy to be incredibly helpful, but as someone with anxiety I know the act of finding and paying for therapy can be overwhelming.

If you’re able to give a gift card or help direct your loved one to online therapy that could be a great gift and the start of a new kind of healing. Brightside is a great place to start.

Brightside is committed to delivering life-changing anxiety and depression care to everyone who needs it through online therapy, medication, and self care services.

A Sustainable Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are a great gift for people with anxiety, as they can help provide a sense of security and comfort. Make sure to choose a size and weight that is appropriate for the person you're giving it to. I personally love the Bearaby sustainable weighted blankets.

Bearby is on a mission to free the planet from traditional plastic bead filled synthetic weighted blankets and create more eco-friendly options by using materials TENCEL and organic cotton.

I have the Tree Napper and think this would make a great gift for anyone struggling with mental health. I love how it feels like a big hug! These sustainable weighted blankets range from $200+.

MUD\WTR Starter Set $40

MUD\WTR is a coffee alternative made with organic ingredients including masala chai, cacao, American-grown whole mushroom powders with mycelium and fruiting bodies, turmeric, cinnamon, and more nutritious ingredients.

The Rise MUD\WTR provides sustainable energy while The Rest promotes relaxation and calm. You can purchase just the tea or you can purchase a starter kit.

I think the starter kits make great gifts as they come with a milk frother and some samples to add a bit of sweetness to your tea.

Anxiety Journals

Journaling can be an incredibly helpful tool for individuals struggling with anxiety. I do it everyday to help calm my mind. These journals I particularly like because they have prompts and a variety of creative activities. Sometimes knowing where to start journaling can be overwhelming, but these journals make it easy.

Create Your Own Calm $9

The Create Your Own Calm journal features creative activities such as drawing and reflection to help calm the mind from anxious thoughts.

Let That Shit Go Journal $15

The Let That Shit Go journal provides a fun twist of leaving shit in the past, letting things go, and living a happier less anxious life.

Calm the Chaos

The Calm the Chaos journal helps reflect on our habits and helps to manage the daily stress and quiet the anxious mind.

Anxiety Care Package

If you’re a DIY person then make an anxiety care package for your loved one! Combine some of the items suggested above like bath bombs, teas, mental health t-shirts and throw in some essential oil blends, a good book, and whatever else you think could help your friend feel less anxious!

anxiety gift box

Be sure to add a personal note! This gift will be unique and meaningful because it was especially made for your loved one.

Massage Gift Card

Massage can be incredibly helpful to those with anxiety. This can help ease muscle tension and alleviate overall symptoms of anxiety. If you think this is something your loved one would enjoy try to look up massage places near their home and purchase a gift card.


A gift certificate is great too because it encourages the person to get out of the house! This can also be a great item to put in a homemade anxiety care package!

Relaxing Herbal Tea

As someone who struggles with anxiety making tea has become part of my routine. I find the act of taking a break, pausing, and making the tea can be a wellness activity, plus actually drinking the tea usually helps me relax.

Here are some herbal teas I’ve found helpful for relaxation and could make great gifts. You could even pair it with an inspirational mug and make a cute little gift set! A warm cup of tea can be so relaxing!

Hibiscus Herbal Tea $16

Pique Hibiscus Herbal Tea is a relaxing and refreshing organic tea for you to sip on when you’re feeling tense.


Ingredients include Egyptian hibiscus, mint, and licorice root that will create a calming effect on your body, mind, and soul.

Sweet Peppermint Tea $15

Tea Drops’ Sweet Peppermint Tea is another soothing gem with bright notes of peppermint and a kick of spearmint.


You’ll feel cool and refreshed with every sip of this organic tea. Plus there is no tea bag, the drop dissolves quickly so you can get to sipping!

Anxiety Free Tee $14

Cerebral Teas is a Black owned U.S. based company whose mission is to help as many people as possible overcome anxiety disorder.

anxiety free teas

Their Anxiety-Free Tea is a result of tireless research to find the perfect blend of herbs to target the root cause of anxiety disorder.

I Go to Therapy Pin $10

Celebrate the progress & strength it takes to go to therapy by proudly wearing the I Go to Therapy pin.

This pin is designed by Ava from Aviate Press. Aviate Press creates meaningful illustrations about self-reflection and growth.


Aviate Press creates socially responsible products with their designs including items made with recycled materials.

Bath Bombs & Bath Salts

Bath products can make a great gift and relaxing experience! Bathoriums bath bombs and bath crushes are made with organic and clean ingredients. Here are a few recommendations for specific items to gift to those with anxiety. Plus you can use my discount code THEHONESTCONSUMER for 10% off.

Eucalyptus Crush $8

This crush features Epsom salts, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree & wintergreen essential oils to truly penetrate deep within the muscle tissue.


Bath Bomb Bundle $48

This bath bomb gift set features five different bath bombs allowing for more relaxing experiences.


Snooze Bath Bomb $10

Bergamot and patchouli oils relax your mind while salts and butters moisturize the skin and leave the subtle scents of the essential oils.

bath bomb for anxiety

Mental Health Self Care Gift Box $50

This Mental Health Self Care gift box is great for sending positive vibes! The gift set includes handmade soap, a wax sachit, cozy socks, and a scented candle.


This box supports a small business and can have a custom message added.


CBD effects individuals differently, but generally speaking CBD has been known to help relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and help consumers sleep.

At this point in time there are limited studies on CBD so be sure to encourage your loved one to consult your healthcare professional before trying! Here are a few CBD products I have used for my anxiety.

Ease Your Mind Tincture $70

This hemp tincture by Polite features Organic Hempseed Oil, Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Lemon Balm Leaf Oil, Kava Root Extract which combine to help ease the mind.


Dream CBD Oil Tincture $75

Mind racing at night? Trouble staying in bed all night? This formulation from Batch CBD is designed for you to fully recharge. Dream Terpene Blend: Terpinolene, Myrcene, Linalool.


Tranquil Broad Spectrum Tincture $56

This USDA Certified Organic tincture from Joy Organics and contains only three ingredients, with results that kick in quickly and a sense of tranquility that lasts throughout the day.


Adult Coloring Books

Coloring can be very therapeutic for some people. Here are some fun ones your friend might enjoy!

You Fucking Got This Coloring Book $5

This motivational book is great for pumping yourself up! I personally use this coloring book!

Anxiety Relief Coloring Book $6

These nature inspired designs are sure to help you relax at the end of the day.

Relaxing Flowers Coloring Book $6

These spacious flowers are great for coloring with ease and relaxation.

Hopefully you found some helpful gifts in this guide that will provide some stress relief to your family member or friend. These thoughtful gifts are sure to remind your friend that you love and care for them.

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