How It Feels to Have Anxiety Exhaustion

Does anyone else ever have those days where the world just throws too much at you and you want to curl up in bed and cry? I’ve had a few of them recently. Days where the anxiety takes over me and I enter shutdown mode. I can’t think. I can’t be present. I can’t be productive. But I can physically feel the anxiety weighing down on me. Our little puppy dog has been sick for about a month and with multiple vet visits, waking up in the night with him, and having to take days off work to sit at the vet only to receive no answers….I’ve been struggling. I’ve fallen behind on work. I’m a sleep deprived mess. AND I haven’t been practicing adequate self care.

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How to Upcycle Pill Bottles

Have you ever finished a prescription and been left with a handful of plastic bottles? Rather than throwing them away, there are many ways to upcycle old prescription bottles and give them new life. This blog post will explore some of the best ways how to upcycle pill bottles into fun and valuable items. Read on to learn more!

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Low WasteEmily Waddell
How to Compost Paper

Did you know that you can compost paper? So all those newspapers cardboard boxes you were thinking about throwing away or evening recycling can be reused to help fertilize your garden. If you are wondering how to compost paper keep reading for easy instructions!

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Low WasteEmily Waddell
Fair Trade Haiti Coffee from Singing Rooster

Have you tried Singing Rooster’s fair trade coffee yet? Because it’s one of my favorites! And it’s a brand I first tried while studying abroad in Haiti! They’re doing wonderful work and I highly encourage you to try it! Singing Rooster works with small producers in Haiti to ensure farmers are fairly paid, treated respectfully, and to provide resources for Haitian suppliers to grow their businesses. Through their partnerships Singing Rooster is able to supply U.S. markets with gourmet Haitian coffee and provide Haitian farmers with the opportunity to expand and reach new markets. 

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11+ Fun Upcycling Projects for Kids

Upcycling is not only sustainable because it keeps items out of landfill, but it can also be a fun activity. Kids have so much energy and creativity that it seems a shame not to put it to use with creative projects. There are many ways to do this, but upcycling is an excellent way for them to express creativity, learn about sustainability, learn new skills, and help the environment.

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